Tel : 03 89 40 97 18 – Mail : – Restaurant closed from Sunday evening to Tuesday lunchtime. Hotel open 7 days a week.



SARL with capital of €400,560.00
Head office: 1 RTE DE BELFORT 68130 CARSPACH
Email: ,

administers or manages one or more establishments carrying out one or more activities linked to the gastronomy and tourism sector.


These general conditions of use apply to all websites (hereinafter “the Sites”), mobile and tablet applications (hereinafter “the Applications”) and/or their localized versions, published by the AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE company.

Users declare that they have obtained from AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE all the necessary information before accessing the services offered by the Sites and/or Applications and adhere without reservation to these general conditions of use.

Therefore, these general conditions of use govern the relations between AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE and any user of the Sites and/or Applications. These general conditions of use apply from the first connection to the Sites and/or Applications by the user, who accepts to be subject to the rights and obligations herein without reservation. If you do not agree to these general conditions of use, you are not authorized to use the Sites and/or Applications.


  1. Object

The purpose of these general conditions of use is to set the conditions of access and use of the Sites and/or Applications, as well as the rights and obligations arising therefrom.


  1. Contract documents

The contractual documents are, in descending order of priority:
– the special conditions of use specific to certain services;
– these general conditions of use.

In the event of a contradiction between documents of a different nature, it is expressly agreed that the provisions contained in the higher-ranking document will prevail for the obligations in conflict of interpretation.


  1. Modifications and developments

3.1 Modifications and developments to the services

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE reserves the right to make modifications and/or improvements and/or developments to the Sites and/or Applications.
AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE reserves the right to modify the terms of access to services, particularly on a technical level.
Furthermore, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE reserves the right to cease, permanently or temporarily, one or more service(s) available on the Sites and/or Applications.
Consequently, users acknowledge and accept that no compensation can be granted to them for a modification of one or more services offered by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE on the Sites and/or Applications.

3.2 Modifications and developments to the general conditions of use

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may, at any time and without notice, modify the terms of these general conditions of use. These modifications come into force as soon as they are posted online on the Sites and/or Applications.
Any access or use of the Sites and/or Applications, after the modifications to the conditions of use concerned come into force, constitutes acceptance of the new general conditions of use of the services offered.
It is therefore recommended that the user of the Sites and/or Applications regularly consult the general conditions of use accessible on the Sites and Applications in order to be aware of possible modifications and/or developments therein.


  1. User Obligations

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE grants users of the Sites and/or Applications the right to access and use the Sites and/or Applications exclusively for private and non-commercial use. Any collective and/or commercial use is strictly prohibited.
The user undertakes, within the framework of the use of the Sites and/or Applications, to respect these general conditions of use.
The user undertakes to use the Sites and/or Applications as well as all the information to which he may have access only for purposes consistent with the Sites and Applications, public order, good morals, rights of third parties, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, as well as the ethical rules which regulate the internet.
The user undertakes not to commit any act that could jeopardize the computer security of the user or other users of the Sites and/or Applications and not to disrupt the use they may make of the Sites and/or Applications.
The user undertakes to inform AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, of any complaint, legal action or claim to which he may be subject and which could have consequences on these general conditions of use.
Furthermore, the user is prohibited from carrying out automated requests on the Sites and/or Applications in any form whatsoever (software, meta-search, etc.).


  1. Interactive Services

5.1 Access to Interactive Services

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE offers users of the Sites and/or Applications the possibility of benefiting from interactive services (hereinafter the “Interactive Services”).
The Interactive Services consist of the possibility for users of the Sites and/or Applications to publish content (hereinafter the “User Content”) of the type:
opinions and/or comments, texts, menus, descriptions, in particular on restaurants, businesses, places, sites, photographs in particular of restaurants, businesses, products, places, sites;

User Content is made available to other users of the Sites and/or Applications concerned.
Depending on the User Content concerned, users of the Interactive Services will be required to respect certain format or size conditions which will be indicated to them in the publication form concerned.
Access to the Interactive Services may be conditional on the prior creation of a personal “My Account” account in order to allow:
to AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE to optimize your use of the interactive Services and to comply with its legal identification obligations;
all users of the Interactive Services to recognize their own contributions.

The conditions and methods of processing personal data collected by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE when creating the personal account “My Account” are governed by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Charter.

5.2 Prohibition

You undertake not to publish User Content contrary to the laws and regulations in force.

In particular, you are prohibited from publishing User Content:
– unrelated to the subjects covered;
– contrary to public order or good morals;
– of a defamatory, insulting, inappropriate, abusive, hateful, pornographic, pedophile, revisionist nature, damaging to the honor or reputation of others, including that of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, threatening a person or a group of people;
– inciting discrimination, hatred of a person or group of people because of their origin, their sexual orientation, their disability, or their belonging or not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation , a specific race or religion or promoting war crimes or crimes against humanity (incitement to hatred or violence);
– infringing the rights of third parties, intellectual property, privacy, image rights and in particular, but not exhaustively:
– aimed at disseminating in any form whatsoever content constituting an infringement of patents, registered trademarks or infringing commercial secrets or any other rights relating to the intellectual property of third parties (copyrights, neighboring rights, etc.) , in particular by removing or erasing any mention of copyright or trademarks, as well as any restrictive legend;
– aimed at downloading, displaying, transmitting in any way whatsoever or directing Internet users directly (hypertext link) or indirectly to any content containing pirated software, software serial numbers, software enabling acts of piracy and intrusion into computer and telecommunications systems, computer viruses or any code, file or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionalities in particular of any software, computer or telecommunications tool and, in general, any software or other tool allowing harm to the rights of others and the safety of people and property;
– aimed at disseminating deliberately false information with the aim of harming others or aiming to encourage, assist, peddle or propagate in any way rumors and/or violating the private nature of correspondence;
– aimed at attempting to mislead other Internet users by usurping the name or identifier of a user of the Sites and/or Applications;
– aimed at downloading, collecting, storing personal and/or nominative data relating to other Internet users;
– aimed at disseminating in any form whatsoever content that the law or contractual relationships do not allow to be transmitted, such as information internal to a company or relating to intellectual property, confidential information received or communicated within the framework of professional relationships or those subject to a confidentiality clause;
– aiming to commit any action having a disruptive effect and/or hindering the real-time communication capabilities of “My Account”, the Sites and/or Applications;
– aimed at using the online communication space for advertising, professional or commercial purposes (prospecting, soliciting or prostitution) or generally to offer products and services that directly or indirectly remunerate a third party;
– aiming to divert the purpose of the online communication space for the purposes of propaganda and proselytism;
– inviting you to visit a paid site or one with a commercial or advertising purpose;
– harming minors in any way;
– inciting suicide or committing violent actions against oneself or others;
– aimed at harassing others;
– inciting mistreatment and/or attacks on individuals or animals;
– linked to the manufacture or trade of weapons or explosives.

5.3 Moderation

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE acts, within the framework of the provision of Interactive Services, as a technical service provider hosting User Content published via the Interactive Services.

The user acknowledges, however, that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may verify the User Content by any means it deems useful after it has been posted online, either directly or by calling on a moderator.
Users thus acknowledge that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE has the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or delete any User Content which appears to it to be contrary to the editorial line of the Sites and/Applications, to the laws and regulations in force and in particular to the prohibitions referred to herein. article, or which would have been reported to him as such by the judicial authority.

An alert system is made available at any time to any person who wishes to report the publication on the Sites and/or Applications of any content contrary to the provisions of these general conditions of use, and more generally to the laws and regulations in force. force of which she would be aware.
To exercise this option, you can send us any complaints using the online form available by clicking on the “Contact us” section, providing us with all the information you deem useful for this purpose.
We draw your attention to the fact that all your statements may be used in legal proceedings. The provision by you of false, inaccurate or misleading information may result in your civil and criminal liability.


  1. Hyperlinks

Setting up a link to the Sites and/or Applications without the express prior authorization of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE is prohibited. In any event, hypertext links referring to one of the Sites and/or Applications must be removed at the first request of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE.

Consequently, the following are prohibited in particular:
– any automatic insertion link (inline linking) allowing the Internet user to automatically view content from the Sites and/or Applications in a specific location;
– any framing link allowing a page of one of the Sites and/or Applications to appear in a frame within the page of the Site or Application visited by the Internet user;
– any link from sites contrary to the prohibitions referred to in the “Prohibitions” article of these general conditions of use.

By these general conditions of use and by way of derogation the “Ownership” article of these general conditions of use, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE authorizes you, however, to create:
– one or more simple hypertext link(s) pointing to the home page of one of the Sites and/or Applications;
– one or more simple hypertext link(s) pointing to the home page of the different sections of one of the Sites and/or Applications;
– one or more hypertext link(s) which point(s) to a map, to an itinerary, a list of points of interest and/or a descriptive sheet, following the instructions of the services of the Site and/or Application which offer this option.


  1. Responsibility

7.1 Responsibility of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE undertakes to make its best efforts to offer users accurate and verified information, but cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on the Sites and/or Applications.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE undertakes to make its best efforts to ensure that users have the Sites and/or Applications available at all times. However, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE cannot be held responsible in the event of partial or total unavailability of the Sites and/or Applications, for any reason whatsoever. The user cannot in any case take advantage of any difficulty in accessing the Sites and/or Applications to access the information in violation of these general conditions of use.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE cannot be held liable by users of the Sites and/or Applications for indirect and/or unforeseeable damage suffered by the user.

Indirect damage is considered to include loss of data, time, profits, turnover, margins, loss of orders, customers, operations, income, commercial actions or even damage to property. the brand image, the expected results and the action of third parties. AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE cannot be held responsible in the event of orders or investment decisions based on information contained on the Sites and/or Applications or accessible through the Sites and/or Applications.

Finally, the user is informed of the risks inherent in the use of the Internet, particularly in terms of lack of security in the transmission of data and acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Sites and/or Applications. Under no circumstances can AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE be held responsible for these risks and their harmful consequences, whatever their extent, for the user.

7.2 Liability for Interactive Services

The user acknowledges that any User Content published via the Interactive Services remains the responsibility of its author and cannot in any way be assimilated to any view, opinion or comment of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, its partners, affiliated companies or employees.
The editorial responsibility of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, technical service provider hosting User Content published via the Interactive Services cannot therefore be incurred in respect of the publication of User Content as part of the provision of the Interactive Services.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE is therefore not subject to a general obligation to monitor the User Content that it stores, nor to a general obligation to search for facts or circumstances revealing illicit activities, nor to a guarantee obligation concerning the accuracy, probity or honesty of user Content published on the Sites and/or Applications.

Consequently, the liability of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE cannot in any case be incurred due to the activities or user Content if AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE was not effectively aware of their illicit nature or of facts and circumstances making this character appear or if, from the The moment he became aware of it, he acted promptly to remove the data or make access to it impossible.

7.3 Liability for Third Party Services

The Sites and/or Applications may contain links to third party sites such as rental companies, hoteliers, hotel reservation platforms offering a certain number of services, as well as content or services offered directly to users by third parties, restaurateurs , weather information providers, etc. (hereinafter “the Third Party Services”). AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE exercises no control over the providers of Third Party Services and therefore assumes no responsibility for the quality, availability or content of Third Party Services.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE will therefore not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of third-party Services by the user.


  1. Property


Elements belonging to AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, such as the Sites, Applications, brands, designs, models, images, sound and video clips, texts, photos, logos, graphic charter, software, the search engine, the databases, taken as a whole or individually, without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE.

These general conditions of use do not entail any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights on the elements belonging to AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE for the benefit of users.

Is therefore illicit and in particular:
– any adaptation, making available to the public at its request or not, distribution, rebroadcast in any form whatsoever, networking, public communication of all or part of the Services, works, services, brands and all protected or susceptible elements protection by intellectual property law reproduced on the Sites and/or Applications;
– any extraction or reuse, including for private purposes, of a substantial part of the content of the databases created by the Sites and/or Applications;
– any extraction or reuse, repeated and systematic, including for private purposes, of even a non-substantial part of the content of the databases constituted by the Sites and/or Applications;
– any link, access, modification, addition, deletion which relates to the automated processing system of the online edition and modifies the publication conditions or the editorial policy;
– any action having the effect of creating an analogy or confusion in the mind of the public between the Services of the Sites and/or Applications and third party products or services. To this end, the user undertakes to take – all measures necessary to protect said rights with regard to all third parties and, in particular, will maintain all property notices which will be included on all data. , information and more generally on the elements which can be consulted on the Sites and/or Applications or which are communicated to it by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE;
– fraudulent access and retention in an automated data processing system;
– the fraudulent deletion, modification or addition of data in this system;
– hindering this system.

As such, any use not expressly authorized in writing and in advance by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE is prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting. Any user who acts in fraud of these general conditions of use is exposed to civil or criminal proceedings which repress in particular infringements of copyright, neighboring rights, the rights of database producers as well as systems automated data processing.

8.2 User content

User Content remains the property of their authors or their rights holders.

Users grant AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE a free, non-exclusive license to represent, reproduce, exploit, modify, adapt, particularly in terms of size, definition, framing, transition to black and white, attenuation, transparency, archiving, translating the User content, or integrate it with other content, on all paper or digital media, in particular the Sites, Applications, media aimed at promoting the products and/or services of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, and all other products of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, known and available come, for promotional or commercial purposes, and by any means, for the entire world and for the duration of the literary and artistic property rights attached to the User Content concerned and current and future international conventions.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE will make its best efforts to respect the moral rights of authors, and in particular the right to paternity of the authors of photographic works.

The user declares that he has all the intellectual property rights, whether these are intellectual creations belonging to him or for which he has ensured all the prerogatives, in particular intellectual property, necessary, allowing him to accept these general conditions of use and comply with all of their stipulations.

As such, the user guarantees AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE the peaceful enjoyment of the User Content that he publishes on the Sites and/or Applications. The user therefore undertakes to assume full responsibility for any action, claim, demand, eviction, recourse or opposition from any third party invoking an intellectual property right or an act of unfair and/or parasitic competition to which it would have been infringed due to the publication of the User Content in question.

Consequently, the user will be responsible for any damages to which AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may be condemned due to an act of counterfeiting or unfair competition or parasitism resulting from the publication of the User Content concerned, and this, as soon as the conviction pronouncing them becomes enforceable, as well as the costs of all kinds borne by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE to ensure its defense, including lawyer’s fees.

The user will also compensate AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE for all harmful consequences suffered by it due to disturbances in its peaceful enjoyment.

Failure to comply with the provisions of this article may result in the removal of the disputed User Content, notwithstanding any other legal action and/or damages that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may be entitled to claim from you.

8.3 Third-party content

Elements belonging to third parties, such as website, brands, designs, models, images, sound and video clips, texts, photos, logos, graphic charter, software, without this list being exhaustive (hereinafter “the Content third party”), are the exclusive property of their author and are protected as such by copyright, trademark law or any other right recognized by the legislation in force.

These general conditions of use do not entail any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights on third-party Content for the benefit of users unless expressly authorized by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE or its author. Consequently, the user undertakes not to infringe, in any way whatsoever, these rights.

Users acknowledge, to the extent that Third Party Content expressly refers to the websites on which it is available, that no confusion of any kind is possible and that such elements and content cannot reasonably be assumed to be being the property of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE.


  1. Computing and Freedom

In accordance with the regulations relating to the protection of personal data and in particular law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, modified and its implementing decree, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may collect personal data essential to the provision of certain services to users of the Sites and/or Applications.

The conditions and methods of processing personal data collected by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE during the use of the Sites and/or Applications are governed by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Charter.

In application of the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 as amended, you have the right to question, access, modify, rectify, delete and oppose for reasons legitimate rights of your personal data, as well as the right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death.

To exercise this right, simply send us a letter, accompanied by a copy of your identity document, to the following address: AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, Customer Service, 1 RTE DE BELFORT 68130 CARSPACH.


  1. Non-compliance with the general conditions of use

In the event of a breach of the obligations of these general conditions of use, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may take any measures it deems useful with regard to the user at the origin of the breach.

  1. Proof Convention

All letters exchanged between the parties have the value of proof and will therefore be binding on them.

The computerized records kept in the computer systems of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE will be kept under general security conditions and considered as proof of communication between the parties.

Archiving and storage of access to services is carried out on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as proof.

  1. Domiciliation and notification

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE elects domicile at the address appearing on the Sites and/or Applications.

  1. Customer service

For any information or questions relating to the use of the Site and/or Applications, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE customer service is available to users by sending an e-mail to: .

  1. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These general conditions of use are governed by French law.
This is the case for substantive rules as well as for formal rules regardless of the user’s location of access and regardless of the content of the data.


Last Updated: November 12, 2021 .


Conditions of use of My Account on the sites and applications developed by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE

  1. Object

These conditions of use govern any use by you of the services offered by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE under “My Account”.

You explicitly and unreservedly accept these conditions, which may, if necessary, be modified by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE at any time, simply by registering or connecting to your account on the My Account service, hereinafter “My Account” . If you do not agree to these conditions of use, you are not authorized to use this service.

  1. Your personal information

The personal information that we collect when registering for My Account helps us offer you a unique browsing experience through the applications and websites of AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE and its partners. This data may be collected directly from you by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, or transmitted to us by a partner social network when you register or log in. When you register or log in using social network data, you are informed of the data transmitted to us by the social network concerned and we first request your authorization to proceed with this transmission.

To the extent that you have given your consent to this effect, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, in its capacity as data controller for the collection of personal data from My Account, implements processing of personal data with the aim of creating a consumer database for the purposes of loyalty, prospecting, promotion, behavioral and/or marketing studies.

This database will then be used by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE for information and promotion of its products and services and by all AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE companies or its partners, for information and promotion of its own products and services. , all of these entities acting as data controllers.

Your personal data may also be used for prospecting purposes by third-party companies, if you have given your consent by checking the box provided for this purpose.

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE undertakes to strictly comply with current legislation in order to protect the privacy of its users and not to keep your data beyond the period necessary for the management of the commercial relationship and for 5 years in the event of business development.

Usernames and passwords, as you define or use them when you register, or as you may subsequently modify them, are personal to you. This information is strictly confidential. Each user remains entirely responsible for the use of these identifiers and passwords, which they undertake to keep secret and not to disclose in any form whatsoever to third parties. To the extent that you communicate them to third parties, you acknowledge that you remain the sole owner and responsible for the use that may be made of them. AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE cannot be held liable due to the use of these identifiers by this third party.

In accordance with the amended law of January 6, 1978, relating to Computing, Files and Liberties, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition, as well as the right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death by contacting AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE, 1 RTE DE BELFORT 68130 CARSPACH.

  1. Conditions of use of the My Account service

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE offers you the possibility of creating an Account and grants you the right to use it exclusively for private and non-commercial use. Any collective and/or commercial use is strictly prohibited.

When you register for My Account, you are asked to complete a registration form. In accordance with current regulations, this form tells you the information required to register. We may also provide you with the ability to register and log in using the identifiers and access codes you use on certain identified social networks. AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE then delegates the management of your registration and/or connection to the social network concerned and under no circumstances collects your identifiers and passwords.

All of the information that we collect during your registration allows us to optimize your use of these services and to comply with legal identification obligations.

Your Account allows you to use the interactive services of the applications and websites that connect to it (hereinafter “Services”). You agree to use these Services in accordance with the regulations in force. We urge you in particular to exercise moderation and caution in expressing the content and opinions that you wish to disseminate via the Services. Once your content or opinion has been published, it may be distributed on all digital or paper media on all of the Services published or offered by AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE. You agree not to publish on the Services content and opinions contrary to the laws and regulations in force.

In particular, you prohibit yourself:
– to disseminate information contrary to public order or good morals,
– to divert the purpose of the Service to carry out propaganda or proselytism, prospecting or soliciting,
– to publish information of a commercial, advertising or propaganda nature in favor of tobacco, alcohol, or any other regulated substance, product or service,
– to use the Services offered in conditions such as not to disrupt the free communication of other users or not to transmit content constituting or inciting the commission of actions punishable by law,
– to disseminate content that contravenes the personality rights of third parties or is defamatory, insulting, obscene, pornographic, offensive, violent or inciting discrimination, political violence, racist, xenophobic, sexist or homophobic,
– to publish information contravening the legislation on the protection of personal data allowing the identification of natural persons without their consent, in particular their last name, postal and/or electronic address, telephone number, photograph, sound or audiovisual recording,
– fraudulently access the Services and Third Party Accounts.

You also agree not to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, in particular by removing or erasing any mention of copyright or trademarks, as well as any restrictive legend.
You agree to only use content (texts, photos, etc.) over which you have the necessary rights for their distribution, for which the rights holder has given express consent for their distribution, or which are free of any rights. You guarantee to AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE that you have the necessary rights to publish the content and opinions published. By rights, we mean in particular, without the list being exhaustive, rights relating to personality, copyright, trademark law.

You acknowledge that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may verify by any means it deems useful the content and opinions posted online either directly or by calling on a moderator. Users thus acknowledge that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE has the right, at its sole discretion, to delete any content or notice which appears to it to be contrary to the laws and regulations in force and in particular to the prohibitions referred to in these conditions of use, or which has been reported to it as such by the judicial authority.

Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the removal of the contentious content, a warning and/or the closure of your Account, notwithstanding any other legal action and/or damages that AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may be entitled to claim from you.

Likewise, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE has the right to exclude, temporarily or permanently, any user who contravenes these conditions of use. However, and whatever the means of control it may have implemented, it is understood that due to the volume of information published, AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the information it stores. , nor to a general obligation to research facts or circumstances revealing illicit activities, nor to a guarantee obligation concerning the accuracy, probity or honesty of the information published by users.

  1. Miscellaneous

AUBERGE SUNDGOVIENNE may at any time modify the terms of these conditions of use. These modifications bind the user as soon as they are put online. It is therefore recommended that the user regularly consult the conditions of use in order to become aware of these new conditions.


Last Updated: November 12, 2021 .

© 2022 SUNDGOVIENNE HOSTEL. All rights reserved.